Voice of the Kids


Voice of the Kids, Inc is a New York based 501(c)(30 Non-Profit organization seeking to provide a voice for children whose voices are not being heard. Voice of the Kids seeks to educate children by informing them and connecting them to those will help. It could be with regards to online dating security, health, abuse, immigration, abduction, etc. 

We recognize that sometimes the issues originate from adults (parents, teachers, older siblings, family friends, etc.) in the child’s immediate environment. Accordingly, we also facilitate the linking of adults with service providers that deal with child-impacting adult issues. 

We are a solution-seeking organization. Voice of the Kids will also highlight and support children and teens who could serve as excellent character role models for others their age. We will complete to encourage others, not to support someone’s career. We will also support mentoring opportunities with organizations that provide appropriate supervision.

What We Do
We Champions the cause of all children (from viable conception in the womb until attainment of age twenty-one) and seek to provide environments conducive to normal growth and superior experiences during this entire period. We also endeavor to help young underserved teens and youths to find suitable employment.

How We Do It
We provide a platform that facilitates the inter-linking and collaboration among organizations providing direct services to children. We advocate and plead the cause of children, seeking the best outcomes possible for them, with governmental and non-governmental organizations that are dedicated to serving children, both for those in need and those who excel.